Friday, May 20, 2011

my giant observer

Friday, May 13, 2011: Paris

It's Friday night, and Louis is watching a movie in French right now. He doesn’t understand a single word, but is absolutely riveted. Every so often, he hands me a few gems:

“Do you know who Jean Reno is? He’s like this pimp.”
“This movie is amazing.”
“I think I could pick up French pretty fast.”

Louis also randomly repeats a French word said in the movie. I don’t recognize it.

I don’t know what the movie is, but there’s blood and gore and it’s freaking me out.

Me: Louis, I don’t like scary movies.
Louis: Okay, I’ll turn down the volume.

He turns it down to silent. After I tell him there can be some volume, he turns it back up and assures me it’s almost over. (Somehow he knows this.) Maybe Louis will be the American version of international audiences that pick up English by watching Friends or (in this case) some Godfather-like movie.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I could totally picture this playing out. Apparently, Louis' impressionablism (is that a word?) travels with him. I wouldn't be surprised if Louis picked up French pretty quickly, he's been picking up Vietnamese pretty well (i.e. ao xai, hup yung, etc.)
